Tuesday, January 28, 2025

"The Spirit of Grace"

Grace is one of the most beautiful words in God's Book. The very sound of it is musical to the believer who understands it. It just meets our case, for it tells us that God is inclined to be favorable unto us; more, that he is prepared to shower down the richest blessings upon us; and that what he gives he gives freely, from the love of his own heart. 

Grace is favor shown to the unworthy, without any cause or reason but what is found in God's own bosom. Grace never looks outside of itself for a motive but is its own motive. It dwells in all its fullness in Jesus and is the glory of the gospel scheme. 

But we are not going to dwell upon grace itself but to fix the eye upon the Holy Spirit, as called, "the Spirit of grace." The Spirit is the gift of God's grace one of its greatest gifts. Indeed, it has no greater. Grace gave Jesus, and it gives the Holy Spirit; these gifts are equal in value and importance, as they are equal in nature, power, and glory. Without Jesus, we could have no deliverance from wrath, or title to Heaven; and without the Holy Spirit, we would never realize deliverance or be made fit for glory. 

The Father promised the Spirit to his Son, and the Son bestows the Spirit upon his church, and makes us new creatures in Christ Jesus. The Father laid up our fortune in Jesus; Jesus has preserved for us all that the Father entrusted to him; but it is the Holy Spirit who makes known to us the wealth which our heavenly Father has laid up for us and conveys the foretastes and pledges of it into our souls. Holy and blessed Spirit, daily bring down into our souls fresh and fuller supplies of grace from the Father and the Son! 

[James Smith]

Zechariah 12:10 ... And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.