Saturday, March 23, 2024

The More Bloody --- The More Lovely!

Lost men cannot see the stupendous beauty of Christ. All sparkling beauties are found in Him—but they lack eyes! He is infinitely and superlatively lovely! All that we could ever say about Jesus falls infinitely short of His matchless worth. He is pure, unspotted beauty! There is an infinite resplendency, a sparkling luster to His beauty! Jesus is most lovely in His sufferings, when He made an atonement for our sins. What, lovely in His sufferings? Lovely when He was buffeted, spit upon, and besmeared with blood? Oh yes, He was most lovely upon the cross, when He showed most love to us!  He bled love at every vein! Those drops were love drops! The more blood the more lovely! 

Oh, how lovely ought a bleeding Savior be to our eyes! Let us wear this blessed crucifix always in our heart! The cross of Christ is the key that opens paradise to us! How beautiful is Christ on the cross! The ruddiness of His blood took away the redness of our guilt! Christ's crucifixion is our coronation! He left His Father's bosom, that hive of sweetness to come and live in this poor world. Truly, He exchanged the palace for the dunghill! "The unsearchable riches of Christ!" (Ephesians 3:8)

Not even the angels can dig to the bottom of this mine! They adore Christ, being ravished with His amazing beauties! Jesus is the very extract and quintessence of beauty. He is a whole paradise of delights! 

[Thomas Watson]

Song of Solomon 5:16 ...  His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.