Sunday, December 15, 2024

Twenty-four Vessels Every Day!

The careful use of TIME touches every part of the Christian life. A beautiful illustration has been given of this: The hours are like a chain of little golden vessels passing before you day and night. You cannot arrest their progress. You can put something into each as it passes. You can put in a good thought or word or deed - or a bad thought or word or deed. Or you can let it go empty. Once past, you cannot recall it. 

Twenty-four vessels every day! Eight of them pass while we are asleep one-third of them empty. Alas! how many more through our negligence and sloth, every day pass empty! Alas! for the contents of many of them! Golden vessels filled with wood, hay, stubble! Some of them filled with what is worse than worthless evil thoughts and words and deeds. But they all pass on continually until they come before the throne of God. And their account is taken of their contents. Of how many are you satisfied that God should note their contents? 

[George Everard] 

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Psalm 90:12 ... So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Ephesians 5:15-16 ...  See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.