With WHOM will God be in times of trouble? There are four characteristic marks in the context by which the heirs of this promise may be known.
First, They know the Lord's name. The Spirit has taught it to them. They have learned it from the Bible. They have so learned it as to trust in it. It is their strong tower. Their powerful plea. The object of their faith, and the subject of their meditation.
Second, They have set their love upon God. He has been revealed to them as lovely. They have seen him in Jesus. His love has been shed abroad in their hearts. They love him for what he has done for them; for what he has conferred upon them; for what he has promised them; and because he is altogether lovely.
Third, They have made the Lord their refuge and their habitation. He is to them what the place of safety is to the trembling dove; what the commodious, comfortable, and well-stored dwelling is to the happy inhabitant. They dwell in God by faith. They dwell with God in holy fellowship.
Fourth, They dwell in the secret or in secret with the Most High. He is with them. They walk with him; pour out their hearts before him; and enjoy free communion with him.
He will be with them.
[James Smith]
Psalm 91:15-16 ... He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.