The study of the Bible should always be practical and applicable to our lives day by day. That is to say, we are to set forth in our lives as well as in our doctrine the beauty, glory, and attractiveness of the gospel of Christ. We must have our lives regulated and governed by the gospel.
Let us take great care to conform our lives to our doctrine. Doctrine and duty cannot be separated. Every truth discovered in the Word of God ought to be applied to our lives. If our character and conduct does not reflect the grace and glory of God revealed in the gospel, our doctrine is utterly meaningless!
Let us take great care to conform our lives to our doctrine. Doctrine and duty cannot be separated. Every truth discovered in the Word of God ought to be applied to our lives. If our character and conduct does not reflect the grace and glory of God revealed in the gospel, our doctrine is utterly meaningless!
Gospel preachers are responsible to pointedly apply the gospel to the daily affairs and responsibilities of men and women in this world. It is every pastor's responsibility to faithfully to teach people how to live in this world for the glory of Christ, applying the Word of God to every area of life. It is the responsibility of God's saints to obey the gospel, applying it personally to every area of their lives.
Always be prepared to give up any doctrine or practice that is not found in holy Scripture and to embrace anything revealed in the Book of God, not matter what the sacrifice, no matter what the consequence.
Titus 2:10 ... Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.
1 Thessalonians 4:1 ... Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.
1 Corinthians 15:2 ... By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.❤