Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Spurgeon Quotes 8

There is as much love in the blows of God's hand, as in the kisses of His mouth!

As princes hold a model globe in their hands, so does the Lord in very deed hold the earth!

Whatever the secondary agent may be, the direct hand of the Lord is in every earthly calamity.

The floods of God's mercy ever rise above the mountains of our sins!

There is no cordial of comfort, like that which is poured from the bottle of Scripture.

Pride lies at the root of all sin. If people were not arrogant, they would not be disobedient.

Justified people always long to be sanctified.

Hell itself is but sin fully developed!

The same lips which spoke us into existence, have spoken the laws by which we are to govern our existence.

Those who fear God, need not fear anything else!

Our desires and delights are a better test of our character than anything else. The further a soul advances in grace, the more spiritual and divine are its longings.

[Charles H. Spurgeon]
