Saturday, January 13, 2024

Broke Her Heart All in Pieces

The more a man apprehends of the love of God, and of the love of Christ the more that person will grieve and mourn that he has offended, provoked, and grieved such a Father, and such a Son. The more clear and certain evidence a man has of the love and favor of God to his soul, the more that man will grieve and mourn for sinning against such a God. 

 There is nothing which thaws and melts the heart, which softens and breaks the heart like the warm beams of divine love as you may see in the case of Mary Magdalene. She loved much, and she wept much for much was forgiven her. A sight of the free grace and love of Christ towards her, in an act of forgiveness, broke her heart all in pieces. 

A man cannot stand under the shining of divine love with a frozen heart, nor with dry eyes. The more a man sees of the love of Christ, and the more a man tastes and enjoys of the love of Christ the more that man will grieve and mourn for all the dishonors that he has done to Christ. 

[Thomas Brooks] 

Luke 7:38 ...  And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.
