Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Little Chapel in the Dell

The bells were softly pealing in the chapel in the dell; Their message, "Come and worship, God is with us - all is well."

I heard the organ playing as I watched the candles glow, The choir thus was singing, "Jesus loves me, this I know."

My heart was heavy laden as my soul was stained with... sin, Twas then I prayed for courage so that I might enter in.

Someone then came to greet me, Yes, as I walked through the door, I felt a peace within me like I'd never known before.

I heard the preacher's message of the cross and Calvary; God sent His Son to save us, Thus, He died to set man free.

The alter call was given and I wondered, should I go? I heard His still voice whisper "Come unto Me, I love you so."

I'm glad I heard the message in the chapel in the dell; No longer am I laden, God is with me, all is well.

[Mary E. Herrington]