If my life were full of sunshine,
With never a rainy day,
I wonder how much I would
Greet my Lord, and
Just how much I'd pray.
If all were peace and happiness,
with never a stormy sea,
I wonder if I'd live as close
And would He speak to me?
If my heart were never broken,
And never a tear I shed,
Would I search His word for comfort
and let my soul be fed?
If through life I knew no sorrow,
If my body felt no pain,
Would I long for Heaven's glory?
And His coming back again?
My Father knows the answer,
He all my weakness sees.
So perhaps he sends the storm clouds,
Just to drive me to my knees.
So that I may trust in Him,
Feel secure from all the harms,
So that I may feel beneath me,
His everlasting arms.
[Author Unknown]
… The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: Deuteronomy 33:27 ♥
Image: "Footprints" - African American Religious Art