Exodus: Jesus is Our Passover Lamb.
Leviticus: Jesus is Our High Priest.
Numbers: Jesus is The Cloud and The Fire.
Deuteronomy: Jesus is The Prophet Like Unto Moses.
Joshua: Jesus is The Captain of Our Salvation.
Judges: Jesus is Our Lawgiver.
Ruth: Jesus is Our Kinsman Redeemer.
1 and 2 Samuel: Jesus is Our Prophet of The Lord.
1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles: Jesus is The Reigning King.
Ezra: Jesus is The Faithful Scribe.
Nehemiah: Jesus is The Rebuilder of The Broken Down Walls.
Esther: Jesus is Mordecai, Our Courage.
Job: Jesus is The Dayspring From on High, Our Timeless Redeemer.
Psalm: Jesus is The Lord Who Is Our Shepherd, Our Morning Song.
Proverbs: Jesus is The Wisdom of God.
Ecclesiastes: Jesus is The Time and Season.
The Song of Solomon: Jesus is The Lover, Our Bridegroom.
Isaiah: Jesus is The Suffering Servant, Our Prince of Peace.
Jeremiah: Jesus is Our Weeping Prophet.
Lamentations: Jesus is The Cry for Israel.
Ezekiel: Jesus is The Son of Man, Our Call from Sin.
Daniel: Jesus is The Stranger in the Fire.
Hosea: Jesus is Forever Faithful, Our Bridegroom Married to The Backslidden.
Joel: Jesus is Power, Our Baptism in The Holy Spirit And Fire.
Amos: Jesus is Our Burden Bearer.
Obadiah: Jesus is The Lord, Our Mighty Savior.
Jonah: Jesus is The Forgiving God, Our Great Missionary.
Micah: Jesus is The Messenger With Beautiful Feet, Our Promise of Peace.
Nahum: Jesus is The Avenger of God’s Elect, Our Strength and Shield.
Habakkuk: Jesus is The Great Evangelist, Our Cry For Revival.
Zephaniah and Haggai: Jesus is The Savior, Our Restorer of God’s Lost Heritage.
Zechariah: Jesus is The Pierced Son, Our Fountain.
Malachi: Jesus is The Son of Righteousness, Rising with Healing in His Wings, Our Healer.
Matthew: Jesus is The King. Our Master.
Mark: Jesus is The Wonder Worker/Servant, Our Lord and God.
Luke: Jesus is The Son of Man, the Horn of Our Salvation.
John: Jesus is The Son of God.
Acts: Jesus is The Savior of the World, Our Ascended Lord,Our Fire from Heaven.
Romans: Jesus is The Justifier,Our Grace from God.
1 and 2 Corinthians: Jesus is The Gifts of The Spirit, Our First-Fruit and Power of Love.
Galatians: Jesus is The Messiah, The One Who Makes Us Free.
Ephesians: Jesus is The Christ of Riches, Our Glorious Treasure.
Philippians: Jesus is The God Who Meets Our Every Need, Our Joy.
Colossians: Jesus is The Fullness of The Godhead, Our Hope of Glory.
1 and 2 Thessalonians: Jesus is The Soon Coming King.
1 and 2 Timothy: The Mediator Between God And Man.
Titus: Jesus is The Faithful Pastor, Our Blessed Hope.
Philemon: Jesus is The One That Sticks Closer Than a Brother, Our Friend.
Hebrews: Jesus is The Blood That Washes Away Sin, Our Everlasting Covenant.
James: Jesus is The Great Physician, Our Healer.
1 and 2 Peter: Jesus is The Chief Shepherd and The Living Stone.
1, 2 and 3 John: Jesus is Everlasting Love, Our Eternal Life and Our Righteousness.
Jude: Jesus is The Lover Coming For His Bride.
Revelation: Jesus is The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!