Heaven’s road resembles a country road. It’s not smooth and it’s rough to drive. It’s straight and narrow but full of holes. Often you wonder if you’ll even survive.
Because you’re one of God’s children, It’s a toll-road and you’ll have to pay. Not with cash but persistent endurance, Overcoming obstacles along the way.
Because you’re one of God’s children, It’s a toll-road and you’ll have to pay. Not with cash but persistent endurance, Overcoming obstacles along the way.
You won’t have a lot of traffic, For there are few who travel this road. Worldly people travel the interstates, And they carry a jam-packed load.
They watch for all the billboards, Advertising pleasures that abound. They choose to take every exit, Where those pleasures can be found.
They watch for all the billboards, Advertising pleasures that abound. They choose to take every exit, Where those pleasures can be found.
They always travel in the fast lane, Looking forward to sins that await. Concerned with only themselves and today, They’ve no thought of their eternal fate.
For what lies ahead in their future, Won’t be exciting and certainly no fun. They’ll stand at the White Throne Judgment, Begging for mercy, but there will be none.
For what lies ahead in their future, Won’t be exciting and certainly no fun. They’ll stand at the White Throne Judgment, Begging for mercy, but there will be none.
They’ll be judged and deemed to be guilty, For they chose the wrong road to take. No pleasures will be in their future, Only damnation in a hot, fiery lake.
Even the redeemed don’t find the road easy, For we are tempted to take many turns. But our eyes stay focused on what lies ahead, Eternity in Heaven is our only concern.
At times we are beset by terrible storms, And it’s difficult to see the way. But after the storms, God sends a rainbow, And at its end lies Heaven’s bouquet.
At times we are beset by terrible storms, And it’s difficult to see the way. But after the storms, God sends a rainbow, And at its end lies Heaven’s bouquet.
Each pothole we hit is a problem, But we are lifted out of them all. Our Savior is there extending His hand. We are His and He won’t let us fall.
We allow Jesus to do the driving. He needs no map for He knows the road. We trust Him every mile we go, On the way to our final abode.
We’ll not stand before the White Throne, But will be judged at the Bema Seat. We are sinners, who were forgiven by grace, And Jesus provides our receipt.
He paid our sin debt for us, And we are covered by His veil. We traveled the road to Heaven, Rather than choosing the road to hell.
He paid our sin debt for us, And we are covered by His veil. We traveled the road to Heaven, Rather than choosing the road to hell.
[Emily McAdams]
Deuteronomy 30:19 ... I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Matthew 7:13-14 ... Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 25:46 ... And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. ❤