Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Ten Commandments

1] Thou shalt give thy heart to Christ. Let Him be at the top of thy Christmas list.

2] Thou shalt prepare thy soul for Christmas. Spend not so much on gifts that thy soul is forgotten.

3] Thou shalt not let Santa Claus replace Christ, thus robbing the day of its spiritual reality.

4] Thou shalt not burden the shop girl, the mailman, and the merchant with complaints and demands.

5] Thou shalt give thyself with thy gift. This will increase its value a hundred fold, and he who receiveth it shall treasure it forever.

6] Thou shalt not value gifts received by their cost. Even the least expensive may signify love, and that is more priceless than silver and gold.

7] Thou shalt not neglect the needy. Share thy blessings with many who will go hungry and cold unless thou are generous.

8] Thou shalt not neglect thy church. Its services highlight the true meaning of the season.

9] Thou shalt be as a little child. Not until thou has become in spirit as a little one art thou ready to enter into the kingdom of Heaven.

10] Thou shall not forget to share your joy, peace and faith with those around you.

[Author Unknown]