Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Joy of Our Soul

Christ became to us the Joy of Our Souls.   Home, friends, health, wealth, comforts,  all lost their 'luster' that day when He saved us,   just as stars are hidden by the light of the sun.

[Charles H. Spurgeon]

Psalm 35:9 ... And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.

Jeremiah 15:16 ... Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.

Nehemiah 8:10 ... Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.