He drinks the bitter cup of God's wrath due to sin. The powers of darkness fiercely assail Him. He enjoys no sensible communion with Heaven. It is the gloomiest period in His whole life. But at length His agony is so piercing that He is constrained to utter the most touching words of grief, "My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?"
His Father--His own Father, in whose bosom He had lain from eternity! His Father, by whom He was always beloved--has withdrawn the light of His countenance from Him! And from His cross arises a most piercing and agonizing cry, "My God, my God why have You forsaken Me?"
Oh, how mysterious, how solemn, how affecting is this cry! I t is the most doleful that ever came from the lips of Christ during His sorrowful sojourn from the manger to the cross. Ah! Why does He hang on yonder cross, uttering these doleful words 'with strong crying and tears'?
It was not the nails which pierced His hands and feet, nor the agony of a crucifixion, which caused this mournful cry. He was now offering Himself a sacrifice for sins. As our Surety, He suffered all that divine justice required to bring the sinner back to God and to glory.
Here is the great mystery of Godliness: the Father bruises the Son, and puts Him to grief for our sakes! All those cries, and tears, and groans of Him whom the Father appointed to accomplish our salvation were for us.
On His shoulders was laid the enormous load of our guilt. Oh, what can we render to our Divine Savior, for His amazing and unparalleled love to us?
Matthew 27:46 ... And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? ❤