The best thing I can show you to defend life is my life. It has been a great gift. I have met other survivors of abortion. They are all thankful for Life … when I speak, I speak not only for myself, but for the other survivors, and also those who cannot yet speak. Today a baby is a baby when convenient. It is tissue or otherwise when the time is not right. A baby is a baby when miscarriage takes place at two, three, four months. Why is that? I see no difference.
[Gianna Jessen, saline abortion survivor who has overcome amazing odds]
My birth mother was 13 years old at the time she became pregnant with me. Her mother took her straight to an abortion clinic where she had a surgical abortion. After thinking she had “fixed the problem,” a few weeks later she realized her belly was still growing. Her mother took her back to the abortion clinic where she learned that she had been pregnant with twins. One was aborted; One survived.
[Clair Culwell, abortion survivor]
We weren’t given alternatives. Nobody offered me any choices,” said Linda Noie whose son Joshua Vandervelden survived her attempt to have him aborted 13 years ago. Linda and Joshua told the media and conference attendees how they now live next door to, and picket at, the abortion mill where Linda underwent an abortion procedure. Joshua was asked by a reporter what his reaction was to the pro-abortionists’ criticism that he was being exploited. “I’m glad to be alive,” he replied.
[Joshua Vandervelden , born in a bed pan]
In the examining room after the abortion, the doctor wrapped the baby in a towel and laid it aside while he finished caring for Marie. The infant continued to squirm and cry. Soon afterward, Marie left the doctor’s office for a friend’s house nearby. The physician then placed the child in a sack and gave it to one of the two friends who had accompanied Marie. In a few minutes, the woman with the sack arrived at the house where Marie was waiting. She said the doctor had told her to “take it along with you and pretty soon it will stop moving. After Marie fell asleep, the friends kept their death watch over the aborted infant until they decided to seek help. The baby survived.
[Mike Matterson, “Baby Survives Abortion in Arkansas.” The National Right to Life News]
This was going to be just another of the thousands of routine, late-term abortions performed annually in the state of New York, even though abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy are illegal under that state’s law. According to Rosa, who was then 20 years old, she told Hayat that she had changed her mind and didn’t want to go through with the abortion. “He said that it was impossible to stop, that I had to continue,” she told New York Newsday. According to Rosa, Hayat’s assistants held her down while he sedated her. When she awoke, she was told that the abortion was incomplete and that she should come back the following day. That evening, however, she experienced increasing pain and bleeding. Her mother took her to Jamaica Hospital by taxi, where, five hours later, Baby Ana Rosa was born. But Hayat had left his mark upon her; Ana Rosa’s tiny right arm had been torn off in the brutal abortion attempt. Ana Rosa has disappeared from public view, but when last reported, in 1996, she was a perfectly healthy, beautiful, little girl, aside from the abortionist’s mark, which she will always bear.
[Ana Rosa Rodriguez, survivor from New York City abortion chamber of Doctor Abu Hayat, the notorious “Butcher of Avenue A”]
[Ana Rosa Rodriguez, survivor from New York City abortion chamber of Doctor Abu Hayat, the notorious “Butcher of Avenue A”]