God's Book is a book of wonders! It is a wonderful record of God's power in creation, of His wisdom in providence, and of His grace in redemption.
It has the stamp of infinity upon it. We cannot penetrate its heights, fathom its depths, or traverse its lengths and breadths but as we are taught of God. The Holy Spirit, who composed it and inspired holy men to write it, must unfold and reveal it to our minds or we shall never see its glory, be impressed with its majesty, or rejoice in its divine truths.
Never let us read any portion of God's Word without looking up for divine teaching. Never let us imagine that we know all that is contained in any one verse of God's blessed Book for there is a fullness in the holy Scriptures not to be found anywhere else.
Oh, ever blessed Spirit of God, who has given us Your holy Word to instruct our intellects, sanctify our hearts, and regulate our lives, we beseech You to enlighten our minds to understand it, open our hearts to receive it, give us faith to believe it, and enable us to reduce it to practice in our every-day life!
O may we be given grace understand the sublime doctrines, believe the precious promises, and practice the holy precepts of Your blessed Word! Lord, unveil to us the types, unfold to us the prophecies and apply to our hearts, the consolatory portions of the sacred Scriptures. May we hide the Word in our hearts, that we may not sin against You. O to catch the meaning, taste the sweetness, and feel the power of Your holy truth! O Lord, open our eyes, and unfold the truth to us this night! O Lord, soften our hearts, and bring home Your Word with power!
[James Smith]
Psalm 119:18 ... Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
Luke 24:45 ... Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
Job 36:22 ... Behold, God exalteth by his power: who teacheth like him?❤