You and I have access to the same God. The power of a living faith in God in us will be the same as in those illustrious examples of past ages.
Our God is all powerful, and he loves us with a love that never grows cold; that is, he is never indifferent to our welfare.
There is no feeling of bitterness when things do not go as we think they should, if we are trusting. Bitterness comes from rebellion, and there is no rebellion in trust. Trust can always say, "Not my will, but may your will be done."
Suppose God had been satisfied with the world-conditions before Christ came. We would now have no Savior and no salvation. He was dissatisfied, thoroughly dissatisfied, and so he made the greatest sacrifice that he could make to change existing conditions.
God's book written in the rocks is old, exceedingly old but God's book the Bible reaches back still farther. It goes back not only to the "beginning" of this terrestrial world, but into eternity. From past eternity, its majestic sweep covers the whole range of being and reaches into the future eternity. It is, in fact, the book of eternity, and within its folds lie the grandeur and sublimity of the great unknown future.
There are many enemies about, but "he makes me to lie down." I am in quietness. My heart is not afraid.
Every truly saved heart longs to serve. The redeemed heart loves, and love finds its joy in service. How much there is to be done all around us and how eagerly we would take up the task of doing it! How much we want to accomplish for the Lord! But ah, how little we do really accomplish! How many blossoms of desire we possess! But how little fruit of real accomplishment!
We are certain to have trials. The important thing is that we meet them properly.
Get rid of your doubts. Look to God, believe in him, trust in him and the victory will be yours.
The Bible is to the Christian, what the forest is to him who delights in nature. He who walks through the forest laughing and talking does not hear the sweet notes of the songster nor see the wild beauties. He who would see and hear the things that delight the nature-lover, must steal softly and silently along and thus he may see nature as she is.
Fellowship is natural and spontaneous. It cannot be forced. If you are straight and true and your heart is open and unprejudiced then you will usually have fellowship with whatever is of God.
There is one thing and just one that stands out above all other things in the human life and that is faithfulness. No matter what our life may be, nor where we may be, nor what is our situation if we are just faithful it is sure to count, and to count a great deal.
[Charles Naylor]