Come here gracious souls, and behold the Man in the garden of Gethsemane.
Behold His heart so brimming with love that He cannot hold it in so full of sorrow that it must find a vent.
Behold the Man as they drive the nails into His hands and feet.
Look up and see the sorrowful ravishing image of your suffering Lord.
If we would live right, it must be by the contemplation of His death.
If we would rise to dignity, it must be by considering His humiliation and His sorrow.
The sight of Christ's loveliness, and that alone shows the soul its own ugliness.
The sense of the awesome, holy, glorious beauty of Christ kills pride and humbles the soul.
[Charles H. Spurgeon]

Song of Solomon 5:16 … His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.❤