Friday, January 18, 2019

First Blessing

There is no guarantee when we lie down at night, even though it is in good health that we shall awake in this world on the next morning. Thousands have not done so, and each time we do, it is because the LORD has been pleased to "sustain" us, to sustain the action of the heart, the circulation of the blood, the heaving of the lungs, none of which is done by us. 

It is blessed to know that during the hours of darkness, we are the objects of God's care, protecting us not only from physical harm, but also from the assaults of Satan. What child of God can doubt that our arch-enemy, filled as he is with enmity and hatred against the saints, attacks them in the sleep state? Some of our experiences at that time seem clearly to demonstrate it. 

Doubtless, many of our dreams are attributable to a disordered stomach or distempered mind; yet by no means all of them. Some of our nightmares cannot be satisfactorily accounted for by any physical or mental cause. That the Christian is not harassed by them regularly, is due alone to the sovereign goodness of God in preventing such.

[A. W. Pink]

 Psalm 3:5 …  I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.