Wednesday, February 13, 2019


I walk through a dark hallway
ending at a lit candle
the solitary flame
moves back and forth
occasionally on the verge
of being extinguished
yet it continues to burn

My mind races
preoccupied with
negativity, fear, frustration
and myriads of question marks
"Why?", I ask
"How?", I wonder
but I know You have the answers
answers that You shall reveal
in Your own Manner and Timing

Blessed are the poor
for they shall see God
I feel I am poor at this moment
but the wrong kind of poor
because it's the poverty of
not knowing You more, oh Lord,
and that troubles me 

I want to be naked
completely naked before You
as I came into this world
naked without obstacles
that drag me away from You
a nakedness that liberates me
from my own selfishness
and sinful pride

I thank You, Jesus, that I need You
and that I know I need You
I thank You, Lord, that life
outside Your Love is a life lived in vain
The Eyes of The Holy Spirit
have enabled me to see that Truth

I don't understand why You use me
especially when You know just how
quickly I fall sometimes
when I survey The Wondrous Cross
and contemplate a Crimson-colored
Love so Perfect and Deep
only then am I reminded of just
how Amazing Your Grace really is
yet my heart still wanders

I'd rather experience a contrite heart
than to merely know how to define it
for in doing so I am brought
closer to a deeper dependance
on The Only God Who saves
and that is surely where true life begins

So may that candle burn
for that is my fervent prayer
with a flame that dances
a dance of Faith
full of Hope
and a light reminiscent of Eternity
with You, my God and my King

A light that pierces the darkness
of doubt and not knowing
for in that same darkness
I can always choose to believe
and firmly take hold of Your Guiding Hand of Comfort

[David C. Hammacher]