Monday, November 25, 2019

Jones Quotes

The Christian is not a good man. He is a vile wretch who has been saved by the grace of God!

The tragedy of sin is that it affects man in his highest faculties.

Sin causes us to become fools and behave in an irrational manner. 

The more Christian a person is, the simpler will that person's life be.

Modern man, far from being ruled by reason, is ruled by lust and passion.

I'd rather hobble into Heaven, than run into Hell!

God is nowhere more hidden, than in most churches!

We deserve nothing but Hell! If you think you deserve Heaven then you are not a Christian.

Pride is probably the deadliest and the most subtle of all sins, and it can assume many forms!

The ultimate test of our spirituality, is the measure of our amazement at the grace of God.

Grace is favor shown to people who do not deserve any favor at all. 

[Martyn Lloyd Jones]
