Thursday, December 5, 2019

Spurgeon Quotes 6

God's fixed purpose is not the destruction, but the instruction of His people.

Divine wisdom hangs up the thermometer at the furnace mouth, and carefully regulates the heat!

Our lusts are cords. Fiery trials are sent to burn and consume them.

None of us can come to the highest maturity without enduring the summer heat of trials.

I would not wish for any man a long time of sickness and pain; but a twist now and then one might almost ask for him.  

A sick wife, a newly-made grave, poverty, slander, sinking of spirit, might teach lessons nowhere else to be learned so well. Trials drive us to the realities of religion.

Paul, who had more to suffer than we have, called his afflictions light, and yet we often consider ours to be heavy. Surely something must be amiss with the weights!

We never have yet experienced a trouble which might not have been worse.

Perhaps we are tried just now, in order to drive us nearer to Jesus.

Blessed be any wind that blows us into the port of our Savior's love!

Troubled one, you may go to your heavenly Father about anything, about everything.

Our place of comfort is the bosom of the Savior.

If God sent us trials such as we would wish for, they would be no trials at all.

"Any cross but the one I have!" cried one. Surely it would not be a cross if you had the choosing of it, for it is the essence of a cross that it should run counter to our likings.

The best remedy for affliction is submitting to providence. What can't be cured, must be endured.

Our sorrows are all, like ourselves, mortal. There are no immortal sorrows for immortal saints.

Great hearts can only be made by great troubles.

Mighty prayer has often been produced by mighty trial.

Blessed sickness, which make us seek the beloved Physician.

[Charles H. Spurgeon]
