This is the utterance of a faith which triumphs over contradictory circumstances and contradictory experiences. Believer in Jesus, bear in mind that this "nevertheless" stands firm for you also, whatever may be the "although" of adverse circumstances and experiences you put before it.
Because of the covenant faithfulness of Him in whose hand of grace and love you are, you can truly say:
"Although I am weak and helpless, nevertheless I am continually with You."
"Although I am vile and undeserving, nevertheless I am continually with You."
"Although I am so foolish and prone to wander, nevertheless I am continually with You."
"Although trials and afflictions beset me, nevertheless I am continually with You."
"Although all forsake me, nevertheless I am continually with You."
"Although I cannot realize Your presence, nevertheless I am continually with You."
Thus, whatever may be your "although," let the "nevertheless" of your faith always triumph, for the grasp of Christ's hand never slackens, the power of Christ's arm never fails, the love of Christ's heart never changes.
[Thomas Moor]

Psalm 73:23 … Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.❤