Nothing is more clearly revealed in Scripture than the reality of God's dealings with each of His redeemed people as individuals, in all that pertains to their providential path through life. In a special manner God is daily working providentially in everything small or great, for those whom He has led to seek for refuge in His once crucified Son.
There are no difficulties, no sorrows or joys which are matters of chance.
Every step in their providential path is watched over with the tenderest love and care.
There are no rough places in the way, but those which have been particularly ordained and arranged.
There are no lessons to be learned, but had long been prepared by the most wise and loving of Teachers.
There are no trials, but were planned to work out great and exceeding good by Him who has all power in Heaven and earth.
[Thomas Moor]
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Matthew 10:30 … But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Luke 21:18 … But there shall not an hair of your head perish.❤