Sunday, February 23, 2020

A Harvest of Blessing

All the events that take place in the world carry on the same work, the glory of the Father and the salvation of His redeemed people.

Every illness and infirmity that may seize you, every loss you may meet with, every reproach you may endure, every shame that may color your faces, every sorrow in your hearts, every agony and pain in your flesh, every aching in your bones are for your good!

Every change in your condition your fine weather and your rough weather, your sunny weather and your cloudy weather, your ebbing and your flowing, your liberty and your imprisonment, all work for good.

Oh, Christians, see what a harvest of blessings ripens from this text!

The Lord is at work; all creation is at work; men and angels, friends and foes, all are busy working together for God's glory and your good.

Oh, dear Lord Jesus, what have you seen in us that you should order things so wondrously for us, and make all things to work together for our good?

[Daniel Rowlands]

Romans 8:28 … And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
