Friday, February 21, 2020

Grimshaw's Covenant with God

Eternal and unchangeable Jehovah! Great Creator of Heaven and earth, and adorable Lord of angels and men! I desire with the deepest humiliation and abasement of soul to fall down at this time in Your solemn presence, and earnestly pray that You will penetrate my heart with a suitable sense of Your unutterable and inconceivable glories.

To You I now come, invited by Your love, and trusting Jesus' righteousness alone, laying myself at Your feet with shame and confusion of face; and smiting on my bosom, saying with the publican, God be merciful to me a sinner!

Glory be to You, O my Triune God! I desire and resolve to be wholly and forever Yours! Blessed God, I most solemnly surrender myself unto You. Hear, O Heaven, and give ear, O earth! I avow this day, the Lord to be my God, my Father, my Savior, and my portion forever! I am one of His covenant children forever. Record, O eternal Lord, in Your book of remembrance, that henceforth I am Yours forever. From this day I solemnly renounce all former lords, the world, the flesh, and the devil in Your name. This day I give up myself to You, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You; which I know is my reasonable service.

To You I consecrate all my worldly possessions. In your service I desire and purpose to spend all my time, desiring You to teach me to spend every moment of it to Your glory and the setting forth of Your praise, in every station and relation of life I am now or may hereafter be in.

Nor do I only consecrate all that I have to your service, but I also most humbly resign and submit to Your holy and sovereign will all that I am. I leave, O Lord, to Your management and direction, all that I possess and all that I wish. I set my every enjoyment and interest before You to be disposed of as You please. Continue or remove what You have given me. Bestow or refuse what I imagine I need as You see best. And though I dare not say that I will never repine yet I hope I may say that I will labor not only to submit, but to cheerfully acquiesce to Your sovereign providence; not only to bear Your heaviest afflictions on me, but to consent to them and praise You for them; contentedly resolving, in all Your appointments, my will into Yours; esteeming myself as nothing and You, O God, as the great Eternal All, whose word shall determine, and whose power shall order all things in the world.

Dispose my affairs, O God, in a manner which will be wholly subservient to Your glory and my own true happiness. And when I have done, borne, and endured Your will upon earth, call me home at whatever time and in whatever manner You please.

Grimshaw's last words were, "Here goes an unprofitable servant!"

[J.C. Ryle, William Grimshaw]
