Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Heavenly Ways

Remain in His peace above all else. Abide with Him. Begin to see the butterfly more and more. Leave the earthbound constrained ways of the natural to see the movement of heavenly ways. Look to Him and He will teach you to fly on the wings of His Love. You carry a heavenly mandate that His angels rally to its purpose. Release the strivings of your ways. Tune to His still small voice and release the fear that you are not doing enough earthbound work. The ways of heaven travel faster and lighter. Release the weight of earthbound striving. You have heavenly capacity to move in His atmosphere. With Him ALL things are possible. Lay hold completely to this truth and you will fly in confidence. Quiet your soul and tune to His instruction this day and everyday. You walk with your Divine Designer. Do not fret that you will miss the way. He really is closer than you think. Release the fear of ‘what could happen’. He has your children and He sees what is coming up. Trust Him, His plans for you are good.

Romans 12:2 … And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.