Your day is set aside for the purpose of His hand. Release what is sinking and lay hold to that which is not. The systems and the ways of this world are broken and dying. Have no confidence in them. Death and decay are a fact of this world. His Kingdom and His Presence is present to bring forth life and beauty from the ashes of what is lost and broken. Release the dirt from your hands and open to Him, your Maker. Allow the Truth of His Son to shine on your parched land. Allow Him to shower you in grace. Open to His Truth. Receive that which is truly life.
If there is a broken piece, give it to Him and He will create a mosaic of stunning beauty with it’s pieces, for He makes all things new and work for your good. He allowed Job to suffer loss and for Lazarus to die. Release control of your life and its direction. Release the lifeless dirt. Let it go. A seed will open by design in the midst of dark broken soil. Your life is no different. Do not be afraid. He is here.
Rise through the soil. COME FORTH LAZARUS AND REALIZE THE GOD YOU SERVE! Understand that utter darkness, debt and death can not stop His Love and His LIFE in your heart!
Receive to your core this truth and nothing will shake you from its 'reality'. If it’s broken, PRAISE HIM. If it’s lost, PRAISE HIM. If it’s dying, PRAISE HIM.
If His delayed answer has brought death, PRAISE HIM, Child, He's not done!
[Troi Nelson Cockayne]

John 11:43 … And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.❤