Tuesday, March 17, 2020

His Window in Our Hearts

The eye of God had so strong an influence upon Job's heart and life, that it wrought him up to a very high pitch of holiness. The scholar writes most exactly while his teacher's eye is upon him; and the child walks most exactly while his father's eye is upon him; and the servant works most exactly while his master's eye is upon him;  and so certainly, all the sons and servants of the most high God walk most exactly when they see themselves as in the presence of the great God, who is all sight who is all eye!

Ah friends! as ever you would be high in holiness have a serious apprehension of God's presence! Set yourselves daily as in His sight, as under His eye. Remember, though a man may easily baffle his conscience, and deceive others yet he shall never be able to baffle or deceive God's omniscient eye! God has His window in all our hearts, and He exactly and precisely observes all that is done within us, and all that is done by us!

If the serious consideration of His sharp, piercing, all-seeing eye will not influence us to labor after the highest degrees of holiness then I know not what will.

[Thomas Brooks]

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Job 31:4 … Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps?

Psalm 119:168 … I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies: for all my ways are before thee.❤