How can we know what Jesus says? We cannot hear His voice as the servants at the wedding heard it.
He speaks now to us in His Word, and the reverent heart may always hear what He says as the sacred pages are prayerfully pondered.
He speaks in the conscience that is kept tender by loyal obeying.
He speaks in the providence which brings the present duty to our hand.
There never is any real uncertainty as to what He says, if we are truly intent on knowing His will.
"Whatever He says to you, do it!!" It is the doing which is important. We should never ask questions nor make suggestions, when Jesus has spoken, the one thing for us is obedience. We should never ask what the consequences may be, or what it may cost us we are simply to obey. Jesus knows why He wants us to do the thing and that should be reason enough for us.
[J. R. Miller]

John 14:15 … If ye love me, keep my commandments
John 2:5 … His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.❤