Friday, July 17, 2020

The Religion of The Bible

The Scriptures give us sufficient instructions what we should believe. They are a sufficient rule of faith. The Holy Scriptures give us complete directions in matters of practice. They are a sufficient rule of life. In short, in the sacred writings manifests the only worthy principles and vigorous springs of a suitable conduct towards God, towards one another, and towards ourselves.

The religion of the Bible has the direct tendency to promote true piety and solid virtue in the world. It is such a religion as befits a God to reveal. It is such a religion as we might expect from Him if ever He instituted any. It is a religion intended and adapted to regulate self-love, and to diffuse the love of God and man through the world. It is a religion productive of every humane, social, and divine virtue, and directly calculated to banish sin out of the world.

It is a religion which transforms impiety, into devotion; injustice and oppression, into equity and universal benevolence; and sensuality, into sobriety! It is a religion infinitely preferable to any that has been contrived by the wisest and best of mortals.

And whence do you think could this godlike religion proceed? Does not its nature prove its origin to be divine? Does it not evidently bear the lineaments of its heavenly Author? Can you ever imagine that such a pure, such a holy, such a perfect system could be the contrivance of wicked, infernal spirits, of selfish, artful priests, or politicians, or of a group of daring impostors, or wild enthusiasts?

[Samuel Davies]

2 Timothy 3:16-17 … All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
