Saturday, December 30, 2023

Minced Oaths

God's name is taken more times in vain in churches than anywhere else. The blasphemy in the sanctuary is worse than the blasphemy in the street! 

[John MacArthur]

Here are a few examples of minced oaths:
   Gosh -- God
   Gosh darned -- God damned
   Heck -- Hell
   Jeez -- Jesus
   Dang -- Damn
   Darn -- Damn
   Darnation -- Damnation
   Doggone -- God damn
   Gee whizz -- Jesus
   My goodness -- My God
   My gosh -- My God
   Tarnation -- Damnation
   Good grief -- Good God
   Goodness gracious -- Good God
   By golly -- By God
   By gosh -- By God
   Cripes -- Christ

Exodus 20:7 ... Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 
