Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Treasures of His Grace!!

Bring your perplexities to God, and He will guide them. Bring your needs to God, and He will supply them. Bring your mountains to God, and He will level them. Bring your sins to God, and He will forgive them. Bring your sorrows, trials, and temptations to God and He will sustain you under and will bring you through them; to the praise and glory of His great Name, as the "God of all grace." 

Your supplies may be exhausted, but not His fullness. Your need may press, but there is no pressure on His sufficiency. Your power may be limited, but His is illimitable. Your grace may be shallow, but His is fathomless. And you may ask, "From where will my next supply come?" while, at the moment that the anxious question is trembling upon your lip the supply that is to silence it is laid up in the inexhaustible treasures of His grace and will be sent just at the moment that will awaken in you the sweetest song, and yield to Him the richest glory! 

[Octavious Winslow] 

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Psalm 23:1 ... The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Philippians 4:19 ... But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.