Monday, February 5, 2024

Take These Three Spears

Do with your sin as Joab did with Absalom. He took three spears and thrust them through the heart of Absalom! (2 Samuel 18:14) Just so, take these three spears: the Word of God, prayer, and mortification and strike through the heart of your lusts, so that they die! 

What is the end of all a Christian's duties, praying, and hearing but to weaken and mortify lust! Why is this spiritual medicine taken but to kill the child of sin! Sin will insinuate itself and plead for a reprieve but show it no mercy! Saul's sparing Agag lost him the kingdom and your sparing sin will lose you the kingdom of Heaven. 

Do with your sin, what Samuel did to Agag, "He hacked Agag to pieces before the Lord at Gilgal." (1 Samuel 15:33)

[Thomas Watson]
