Sunday, June 2, 2024

Have You Prayed Today?

Ever since you rose from your bed this morning, there has been an eye upon you. Wherever you have been and whatever you have been doing that eye has seen you. It has gone with you to your work; it has seen you with your companions; it has been on you when you were alone. It has seen not merely all that you have done, but why you did it. Your thoughts, your feelings, your motives, which even your nearest friend has not fully known have all been open to that eye of which I speak. For it is an all-seeing eye, the eye of God!

Have you thought of Him whose eye has been upon you? Have you given so much as one thought to Him, since the day began? Have you spoken to Him? Have you prayed to Him?

It is a duty to pray, for God has commanded you to pray.

"Pray to your Father who is in the secret place." (Matthew 6:6) 

"Watch and pray." (Matthew 26:41) 

"Pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

"In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God." (Philippians 4:6) 

It is wrong therefore not to pray.

You have need to pray, great need, for you are dependent upon God for everything. You are entirely in His hand.

If you went to your work this morning strong and well it was only because God made you so and kept you so.

If you have had enough to eat today, if you are clothed comfortably and have a home to live in it is only because God supplies your needs. You would have nothing if God did not supply you.

You live only because He gives you life. He could take all your comforts from you if it pleased Him. He could lay you on a bed of sickness this very day. He could in a moment, strike you dead!

But you have need to pray also, because you are a sinner. Whether you feel it or not you are one. You have offended God. You have done what He told you not to do you have gone against His will, and that more times than can be numbered. And therefore, you need His forgiveness.

Yes, more than anything else, more than food and clothing, and health and strength more than allyou need God's forgiveness.

Will He forgive you? Yes, if you ask Him aright, pleading the merits of Christ your Savior. Then He will forgive you for every wrong thing you have ever done for every evil word you have ever said for every wicked thought that has ever been in your heart. He is quite ready to forgive you. For Christ died to save sinners His precious blood was shed to wash away their sins! You are a sinner, and you have to pray that your sins may be forgiven for His sake, and that you may be saved through Him; and God will hear that prayer. He will forgive you for Christ's sake.

But you need more still. What kind of a heart have you? People talk sometimes of "a good heart." "So-and-so," they say, "is a good-hearted man." I believe they mean a man of a kind heart, not ill-tempered, or malicious, as some are. But they would have to look far indeed before they found one who was really a "good-hearted" man for there is no such man. Our hearts are naturally not good but evil.

Have you not often done wrong? You know that you have! Well, what was it that led you to do wrong? Was it not your heart? And if your heart has led you to do wrong, can it be a good heart? You need a new heart. You need the Holy Spirit of God to change your heart, to lead you to think and feel and wish a right to dwell within you, inclining you always to what is good.

But when I speak of what you need and what you should therefore pray for I hardly know where to stop.

You need peace of mind.

You need comfort in times of trouble.

You need guidance in difficulty.

You need wisdom, help, and strength.

Perhaps all may be summed up in this you need God for your Father and Friend, your reconciled Father in Christ Jesus. If that blessing were yours then all would be yours.

God hears prayer yes, all prayer that is made to Him through Jesus Christ. We do not spend our words for nothing, when we pray. As unworthy as we are yet God promises to hear us when we pray in the name of His dear Son. The Lord Jesus is our Mediator and Advocate He pleads our cause and makes our poor prayers acceptable to God.

Now, with God's command that you should pray, and with so many needs daily needs, needs which none but He can supply, and with His promise to hear you for Christ's sake have you asked Him for anything today? Have you prayed?

You ought to have prayed. Before you entered upon the work and bustle of the day you ought to have gone on your knees. If you did not do so, then pray now. Perhaps at this moment you cannot kneel, but at least you can pray with your heart. Pray standing; pray sitting; pray walking; pray working; pray in any manner rather than not pray at all. Let no more of the day pass without prayer; too much of it has passed so already. Lift up your heart now and say to God, "God be merciful to me, a sinner! Forgive me for not praying. Forgive me for all my sins. Blot them out in my Savior's precious blood. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Give me a new heart. Teach me to pray. Watch over me this day; keep me from evil; keep me from sin. Bless me in my body and bless me in my soul. Make me Your own forever and be my Father in Christ Jesus. O God, hear me for Your dear Son's sake!"

[Francis Bourdillon]
