Thursday, August 8, 2024

Horrible Shocking Thing!!

I know no greater proof of man's depravity, than the fact that thousands of so-called professing Christians see nothing lovely in the cross. Well may our hearts be called stony, well may the eyes of our mind be called blind, well may our whole nature be called diseased, well may we all be called dead in sin when the cross of Christ is heard of, and yet neglected! 

Surely, we may take up the words of the prophet, and say, "Hear, O heavens, and be astonished, O earth: A horrible and shocking thing is done!" Christ was crucified for sinners, and yet many professing Christians live as if He was never crucified at all! Would I know how exceedingly sinful and abominable sin is in the sight of God? Shall I turn to the history of the flood, and read how sin drowned the world? Shall I ponder what sin brought on Sodom and Gomorrah? No! I can find a clearer proof still I look at what happened on Calvary! 

There I see that sin is so black and damnable, that nothing but the blood of God's own Son can wash it away! There I see that sin has so separated me from my holy Maker, that all the angels in Heaven could never have made peace between us. Nothing could reconcile us, short of the death of Christ. Ah, if I listened to the wretched talk of proud men, I might sometimes imagine sin was not so very sinful; but I cannot think little of sin when I look at Calvary. I find no balm for a sore conscience and a troubled heart, like the sight of Jesus dying for me on the accursed tree! 

There I see that a full payment has been made for all my enormous debts. When I look at the cross, I feel sure that there is a way to Heaven for the very vilest of men. Would I find strong reasons for being a holy man? I will look at Calvary and the crucifixion. There I see that Jesus gave Himself for me, not only to redeem me from iniquity but also to purify me. He bore my sins in His own body on the tree, that I being dead unto sin, should live unto righteousness. 

Ah, reader, there is nothing so sanctifying as a clear view of the cross of Christ! It crucifies the world unto us, and us unto the world. How can we love sin when we remember that because of our sins, Jesus died for our sin? Would I learn how to be contented and cheerful under all the cares and anxieties of life? What school shall I go to? How shall I attain this state of mind most easily? Shall I look at: the sovereignty of God, the wisdom of God, the providence of God, the love of God? It is well to do so. But I have a better argument still. 

I will look at Calvary and the crucifixion! I feel that He who did not spare His only begotten Son but delivered Him up to die for me will surely with Him, give me all things that I really need. He that endured that pain for my soul, will surely not withhold from me anything that is really good. He that has done the greater things for me, will doubtless do the lesser things also. He that gave His own blood to procure an eternal home for me, will unquestionably supply me with all that is really profitable for me along the way. Ah, reader, there is no school for learning contentment that can be compared with Calvary and the foot of the cross! 

 [J. C. Ryle]

Romans 5:8 ... But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
