Saturday, July 13, 2024

Justified by Faith!!

You will never, ever measure up to God’s standards. Your holiness efforts, your works, they are all 💩. It is your faith that justifies you. Nothing else. 

We sin daily. So, what do you do with that?  The word states that we - you and I - fall short every day, because of sin. Not a lifestyle of sin, but because we are corruptible human beings. Sinless perfection will never be part of our spiritual DNA, only by faith can we please God. That's the real issue, men have attempted to surpass what Christ did already, thru works. 

When we come to Christ, we are justified by what HE did, not by what we can do. That's the real issue, understanding that in this life we will fall (sin) make mistakes, error, choose bad choices, but here's the good news, Christ took all of that upon himself, so we don't have to. 

We obey Christ by one thing only, we keep our faith specifically in the finished work of Calvary.

[Christopher Gregory]

Acts 13:39 ... And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
