We are the light of the world, metaphorically and spiritually speaking as well. In this dark sinful world, we bring the light of hope to the unsaved world. A candle lit in the darkness. Light is the only element that can disperse and cancel out darkness. It works immediately and effectively.
Romans 13:12
"The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light"
Casting off the works of darkness in of itself is not sufficient to walking in the light, we are to put the armor of light. This means that the armor does not rest on a believer by chance or coincidence; it is a deliberate act by the believer to put it on.
Ephesians 4:22-24
"that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.
Derick Prince, a minister who has since passed on to be with the Lord, said in one of his books that when we enter into place (such as a hospital filled with disease and illness) that upon entering that hospital, every evil spirit eye is upon you. They see you clearly and know instantly who you are, a child of the living God. They watch intently to see why you are there. The spirit of cancer may ask, "Have you come to destroy the works I have laid?" and many demonic forces may ask the same question. They see you clearly because you adorn the armor of God, the armor of light.
The breastplate of our armor is terribly important, because it protects our heart. It is the main source for the light within our armor of God which shines before us.
Christ, the Light of the heavens and earth, is within our hearts. It is what gives our armor shine in the spiritual realm. We are comprised of 3 parts, body, soul and spirit. Our spiritual being is always connected to God and God is light. God hears our prayer, sees what is in our minds and sees our everyday actions, but what He cares most is what is within our hearts. When we accepted the Lord within us, the fullness of God resided in our hearts. We are righteous because Christ is righteous, and that covenant is written upon our breastplate for all to see.
All the armor of God (Ephesians 6:14-17) is given to us for protection from evil entities. In its perfection, it provides protection for every part of one's spiritual body to the maximum.

However, only in its pristine state can it effectively do this, therefore we need to inspect our armor daily to be sure it has no cracks, rust, corrosion or holes are in it. Otherwise, we may be allowing a passage for evil to enter in through that erosion and thereby weakening our ability to perform in the mission or commission received from God.
There are many ways our armor can develop cracks or corrosion, like sin, disbelief, worldly compromise or even complacency in our lives. We must take inventory on ourselves daily to insure we have the full protection needed. The best way to do this is to come before the Lord in prayer and ask Him to cover us (and our armor) in His blood. It is by His blood that He shed on Calvary, that cleanses us. This will cleanse us of all sin, the ones we may know of and the ones we don't.
Evil spirits cannot enter you nor possess you because you have the Holy Spirit inside you, but they can oppress you, cling onto you and try to erode your armor with their evil ways. If not detected and removed, it will begin to corrode your armor and eventually crack or open up the armor you put on. Taking inventory on oneself shall also be taking inventory on one's armor.
We are in a spiritual war with the enemy.
Remember, every time you pray you are in essence declaring war on the enemy. If you pray for someone you are coming against the evil oppressions, they are trying to attach or deliver, and they will consider that act as an act of war. We do not need to fear them or their ways for we have full protection (our armor) against any onslaught, and we have authority and power of such evil (Luke 10:19)
I remember a minister who once stated, " Once you enter where darkness resides, the enemy sees you and your light which shines in the darkness they have created. When they look upon you, because you have put on the armor of God, they immediately think you are God (because you have God's armor on) and they will run and hide. The only time they know you are not God, is when you open your mouth. This is why it is important to only speak to them using God's Word in deliverance or casting them out.
Besides the armor of God (armor of light) we also have the sword of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, as our offensive weapon. It too shines brightly before the enemy, and they know full and well how powerful it can be.
Yes, the enemy sees all that, however what they do not know is if you know all the weaponry you have and if you know how to effectively use them (Luke 10:19)
So, in conclusion, Put on your armor (Ephesians 6:14-17) then check your armor for any defects, cracks or erosion, Know the authority and power you have at your disposal. You were fearfully made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), You have God's armor as well, so you are fully protected, and you have an army of God's angels around you plus the Lord Himself who goes before you in battle. Therefore, Victory is ours if we maintain all that we have and been given by the Lord.
Check you armor daily, remove any cracks or erosion through prayer, for your armor is only effective when used correctly and with proper maintenance. Amen.
[Danny Hahlbohm]