Monday, September 30, 2024

Who's Your Real Shepherd?

This question may be the most important question any of us can ask ourselves. It’s not only a matter of good vs evil, life vs. death, it’s a matter of eternal heaven vs eternal hell. There is only One True Shepherd of the human soul, all other voices need to be sifted and wisely identified. Knowing The Good Shepherd’s voice is not a disposable option for the true Christian. It is literally the distinguishing feature of being one of ‘His Sheep’. Jesus says, “My Sheep know My voice and they follow Me (John 10:27) and a strangers voice they will not follow.” (John 10:5)

KNOWING is the first and foundational part being a Christian. Knowing is more important than going simply because it is key to being led by the actual Holy Spirit of God. If we miss this 1st Love, we can easily ‘go’ in the wrong spirit. It is also important to note that every demon in hell wants to ‘enter and take their seat in the temple of God’(you)) and proclaim that he/she/they/it ‘is’ God. (2 Thessalonians 2:4) 

Demons feel 100% comfortable in religious circles and using religious labels, even using scripture to deceive the naive into being led by them instead of God. If they can pervert the Christian experience, destroy your faith in God, shipwreck your faith and get you to blame it on God, when all along it was deceiving spirits taking full advantage of your lack of mature discernment…then hell gets a victory. It is also important to note that familiar spirits speak through ((family members)), fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers. If those family members are not led by the Holy Spirit and A LOVE of the Truth, you can be sure they are being led by some level of blind darkness and demons of every sort. 

Often it is the influence of multiple spirits(attitudes), like we see in Luke 8:2, “Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out;” or in Mark 5:9, “Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” Demons often come in packs. Demons want to harm, pervert, twist, deceive, kill, steal and destroy, not only the human soul, mind, body and spirit, they want to disrupt and devestate the atmosphere of LOVE. Being filled with the Holy Spirit and becoming ((daily)) familiar with the Word of God, the Ways of God, the character of God, including the many nuances of His loving voice and presence is what makes you [become] one of His true sheep. Learning how to distinguish and recognize voices of all types is just as key as valuing His voice more than any other voice on earth. Gaining the skillful discernment and wisdom to identify blind, ignorant, unbelieving self-talk, arrogance, bitterness, manipulation and control, as well as all manner of demonic chatter, even when being cloaked in twisted scripture or sacrificial religious concepts. 

These voices can echo in your own head, which can often come as self-talk, or they can come through friends or close family members. These thoughts can quickly lead to powerful feelings that compel us to do something rash, disharmonious, awkward, foolish or harmful. It is most important to look at the most powerful and influential voices in our life. Where are they coming from? What is the state of their walk with God? Are they filled and led by the Holy Spirit? Do they love Truth? Do they love the things of God?? Does this make sense? Nothing on earth is more important than getting this lesson right. God’s Sheep “WILL NOT FOLLOW” demonic voices. 

Even if they have been familiar spirits speaking through generations of family members. Learning to say, “HELL NO” to these deceiving influences is part of walking in godliness, righteousness and moral courage. Today… let us honestly evaluate the voices we are allowing to influence us. Turning away from evil influences of every sort and turning to and (((tuning into))) the voice of The Good Shepherd is the only way to truly LIVE.

[Troi Nelson Cockayne]

John 10:11 ... I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.