Tuesday, September 24, 2024

With Christ!!

How marvelous is the transforming power of the religion of the Lord Jesus! Whatever it touches, it beautifies; and all that comes within its range receives a luster and a loveliness from the reflection of itself. Everything on which its light is cast, appears the very reverse of what it appeared before. Where there was darkness, light springs into existence; where there was previous gloom, brightness shines; and where there was sadness songs begin to abound.  How true this is in reference to the heart. "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked!" (Jeremiah 17:9) 

Behold your heart in its natural sinful state can you imagine anything more devoid of anything that is lovely? Can you think of anything drearier to the view? 'Tis a wilderness, a wilderness overgrown with briars and with thorns, while these are interlaced with poisonous plants, and in and out among them, there creep reptile lusts and serpent sins. It is enough to make an angel weep to look at such a sight! But behold! God's hour of mercy touches that heart saving grace enters it. 

See now the contrast. Instead of the thorn there is the fir tree; and instead of the briar the myrtle tree sends forth its sweet perfume; while the birds of praise carol as they rest in the branches of the trees of the Lord's right-hand planting; and the serpents are either destroyed, or else they hide themselves in their holes. The religion of Jesus has touched that heart and at its touch there has been a magic transformation; where dreariness and death reigned, there is now beauty, delight and joy. 

[Archibald G. Brown]

Philippians 1:21 ... For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
