The Christian is first to manifest godliness
in the family circle. We would especially
press this upon the attention of those
who are so anxious to engage in what
they term "service for the Lord."
The "service" which God requires from all
of His people is not a running about here
and there, asking impertinent questions of
total strangers and prattling to them about
Divine things but to be in subjection to
Himself, and to walk obediently to His Word.
To talk to other people about Christ, is far
easier than the task which He has assigned
to His people to deny self, take up our cross,
follow Him, and to show piety at home. For
if there is no piety in our home life then all
our seeming piety in the Church, and before
the world is but hypocrisy and self-deceit!
[A.W. Pink]
1 Timothy 5:4 ... But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God.