Our happiness depends in a very small degree upon what is external to us.
The springs of happiness lie deep within.
Yet, how common it is to think otherwise! Hence the keen pursuit of pleasure,
lovers' sighs,
war's fierce ambition,
the student's patient labor as he feeds his midnight lamp with the oil of life,
the panting race for fleeting riches,
the desperate struggles some make to keep themselves from sinking into poverty,
and the toil and trouble others endure.
And to say nothing of the sins which these may alike commit, simply to rise in the world, as it is called,
to keep a better table,
to wear a better dress,
to live in a better house than satisfied their humble, but happier parents.
These paths crowded and beaten down though they are by the feet of thousands who are treading on each other's heels never yet conducted any man to happiness. Never! It lies in another direction. Whatever his condition is poor, or rich;
pining on a sick bed, or with health glowing on his cheek;
to be married tomorrow, or to be hanged tomorrow;
"Blessed," or, as we would say, Happy, "is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sin is covered!"
The way to happiness does not lie in attempting to bring our circumstances up to our desires but our desires down to our circumstances.
[Thomas Guthrie]

Psalm 32:1-2 ... Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. ❤