Thursday, October 3, 2024

Weaned and Divorced From Creature Help!

It is sweet to lean upon one we love: hanging upon His arm for support and reclining upon His bosom for sympathy; one on whose wisdom we can unhesitatingly rely, in whose love we can confidently repose. Transfer this thought to God! How unutterable the blessedness, how vast the privilege, and how happy the result of waiting upon Him who stands to us in the relation of our Father and Redeemer, our brother and Friend. waiting the movement of His pillar of cloud; waiting the supply of His inexhaustible providence; waiting the comfort of His unchanging love; waiting for the fulfillment of the word of promise upon which He has caused our soul to hope! 

"My soul waits on the Lord." 

There does not exist a more privileged and holy condition of the soul, than that of being entirely cast upon God. When the created arm fails to sustain, and the human heart to love; when earthly props give way, and affection and sympathy have fled their last asylum; when the barrel of meal is well-near exhausted, and the cruse of oil distills its last drop oh then to exclaim, "My soul, wait only upon God; for my expectation is from Him." (Psalm 62:5) This is a privilege indeed, a privilege eclipsing all others! 

Oh, count it the richest experience of the divine life when thus weaned and divorced from creature help, you are brought to wait only on the Lord, exclaiming, Now I have no prop, no supply, no sympathy, no comfort but that which I find in Jehovah. I am shut up to Infinity alone! "My help comes from the Lord." (Psalm 121:2)

The gracious soul hangs in faith upon God: upon the veracity of God to fulfill His promise, upon the power of God to help him in difficulty, upon the wisdom of God to counsel him in perplexity, upon the love of God to shield him in danger, upon the Omniscience of God to guide him with His eye, and upon the Omnipresence of God to cheer him with His presence at all times and in all places, his Sun and his Shield. 

Oh, have faith in God! The moment the soul can believingly repose upon Him, it ceases to be the sport of every wind and wave of circumstance and doubt and drops its anchor on the firm and immovable bedrock of DIVINITY! 

[Octavius Winslow]

Psalm 33:20 ... Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield.
