What tremendous cause we have to be thankful what marvelous reasons we have to be grateful!
We are surrounded by mercies, both temporal and spiritual. If we look back, we ought to rejoice that God has chosen us in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world;
He sent His only-begotten Son into the world, to be an atoning sacrifice for our sins;
He sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts, to convince us of sin, lead us to Jesus, and make us fit for Heaven!
We have . . .
His Word in our hands,
His grace in our hearts,
His mercies in our houses,
His Heaven before our eyes!
O for a thankful heart!
Let us take our poor, hard, ungrateful hearts to Jesus, He can soften them and fill them with gratitude!
Let us confess our ingratitude before Him and mourn over our un-thankfulness at His feet.
O Jesus, grant us a deep sense of our utter unworthiness, and of Your unmerited goodness that our souls may daily praise You with joyful lips! May we live as thankful dependents on Your gracious bounty;
as grateful, loving children, before our Father and our God and daily be thankful.
Through all eternity, to You,
A joyful song I'll raise;
But O eternity's too short,
to utter all Your praise!
[James Smith]

Colossians 3:15 ... And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. ❤
~ Happy Thanksgiving ~