Nothing is too hard for God, no change in providence however it may appear improbable, or impossible to us. He could bring water out of the flinty rock. He could supply quail to satisfy the needs and gratify the lusts of His people in the desert. He could feed Elijah for twelve months by ravens, and for two years and a half more, by a handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in the widow's cruse. He could inundate Samaria with plenty in the midst of famine and fearful desolation.
If He wills it the fire shall not burn the three Hebrew youths,
nor the lions injure Daniel,
nor death hold Lazarus in the tomb.
What He has done He can do; for He is the same. And if necessary for the glory of His name He will do it, for He will not allow His name to be polluted.
"Providence" is simply God at work at work for the accomplishment of His decrees,
the fulfillment of His promises,
the manifestation of His character, and
the present and eternal welfare of His people.
He can give whatever we need,
do whatever we need, and
glorify Himself in giving to us, and working for us!
[James Smith]

Jeremiah 32:17 ... Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: ❤