He who was eternally in the bosom of His Father, chose to be born in a foul stable. He who hung the stars in the sky, chose to be nailed and die upon the accursed tree. This is love immeasurable, love incomprehensible!
[William Gurnall]
Consider Christ's condescension: He who made man, was made man. He who is the eternal Word, was pleased to be an infant who could not speak. Oh, the depth of this mystery!
[Isaac Ambrose]
The Eternal God was pleased to wrap Himself in flesh, in order to come down from the height of His glory to the depths of our misery. Here is a love that surpasses comprehension. Here is the greatest wonder that heaven and earth have ever seen!
[John Flavel]
He came not as a fierce lion to devour, but as a spotless lamb to be sacrificed, that we might be reconciled to God. Marvel at this: the King of glory chose a cradle over a crown, and a cross over a throne.
[John Bunyan]
The Son of God left His glorious throne, to become a servant; in order that we who were rebels, might become children of God. The incarnation is the key to all our hope and joy.
[John Cotton]
The Creator became the creature. The infinite was clothed in flesh.
The Son of God, became the Son of Man.
Such is the divine wisdom and love that it staggers the comprehension of angels and men alike.
[William Perkins]
What greater wonder is there, than that the infinite God should clothe Himself in finite flesh in order to save wretched and rebellious men? This is the bottomless ocean of mercy.
[Jeremiah Burroughs]
Behold the marvelous mystery! He who was rich, became poor; that we who were poor, might become rich. The Son of God entered the misery of the world that we might enter the glory of Heaven.
[Christopher Love]
The infinite became an infant.
Incomprehensibility was made man.
Eternal, and yet born of a woman.
Almighty, and yet hanging on a woman's bosom.
Supporting the universe and yet needing to be carried in a mother's arms.
Oh the wonder of wonders.
Oh, the mystery of mercy.
Oh, the profoundness of His matchless grace.
[Charles Spurgeon]