If it seems ole devil is constantly trying
to distract you from GOD, you are right! See, if ole slew foot can’t destroy you, he’ll
figure out a way to distract you.
His goal is simple ... “Steal-Kill & Destroy” (John 10:10)
No doubt he is a formidable adversary but even he has weaknesses.
If you pay close attention, he’s predictable
and uses the same old tricks time and time
again. It is up to us to stay alert so that
we won't fall prey to this conniving joker.
Even as busy as he is right now TRYING to
take out Israel, trust me, he still has time for
you. NEVER let your guard down!
Don’t let anything or anyone take your focus
off GOD and what GOD is doing in your life.
Many times, I’ve warned you of his ways of
distraction the biggest is speaking
negative depressing and tempting thoughts
into your head. Please understand when he
speaks it’s always a lie!
John 8:44 tells us, "There is no truth in him as he is the
father of lies." You can discern his voice because he plants
seeds that grow into fear and doubt.
Ole devil will use anything he can-past
wounds idols in your life-social media play on your weaknesses using GOD
given desires and even your friends.
If we fall for the distractions, you could
easily become ineffective in our faith.
Distractions have a way of popping
their ugly heads up at a time when we
need to have our undivided attention on
what GOD is doing with us and within us.
Proverbs 4:25 says,
“Let your eyes look straight ahead;
fix your sight directly before you.”
Friend-regardless of how you may feel, don't give into the feelings of frustration
over things not going as you envisioned.
Keeping doubt and discontent in your mind can be one of our biggest distractions and
he knows it.
Start your day with GOD in prayer suit up
in your Spiritual Armor and declare Not Today Devil!
If you don’t set the tone for your day ole
devil will gladly set it for you.
I pray you have a GREAT weekend and be
sure to reflect the love of
JESUS in everything you say and do.
GOD Bless!!
[Chaplain Dave Baker]

Ephesians 6:10 ... Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. ❤