The Christian should be prepared for everything that occurs. He is forewarned that he may be forearmed.
Being in union with Christ,
living in communion with God,
resting upon the precious promises, and
looking forward to the glorious prospects of the Church he should always be hopeful, if he cannot be happy. The Master's word to his disciples, when predicting the destruction of Jerusalem, the signs of his coming, and the end of the age, is applicable to him, "Therefore you also ready, for in such an hour as you think not, the Son of Man will come!"
THE IMPORTANT EVENT. The coming of the Son of Man. This is the great prospective event of the world. Jesus came once to put away our sins and he will come the second time to claim our persons and complete our salvation.
He will come personally, even as he went up into Heaven.
He will come gloriously, in unequaled grandeur and splendor.
He will come suddenly, as a thief in the night.
When least expected by the world, giving little or no warning, he will come and all his holy angels with him.
He comes, or sends for us, by death, and calls us personally to appear before him, to enter into his glory, and he sometimes sends for his people suddenly, giving them little or no warning. Whether therefore he comes personally in his glory or sends for us by death he requires us to be ready.
If the master of the house knew when the thief would come, he would watch and prepare for him and not allow him to rob him of his property. So, we knowing that the Lord will come, or death will come but not knowing when, we should watch, and wait, and be prepared for the event.
Death will end all our opportunities, either to secure salvation, wash our robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb, or do good to our fellowmen.
How solemn is death! How glorious will the coming of the Son of Man be! O to be prepared, to be quite ready, either to depart and be with Christ, or to welcome the descent of our Lord in the air, when he comes with the clouds of Heaven, in power and great glory!
[James Smith]

Matthew 24:44 ... Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. ❤