I went to a church not along ago - they got thirty acres. So, what are their plans with it? They want their own football field and tennis courts. Dear God, do we go to church to learn to play tennis? God help the preachers!
We have such an accommodating Christianity today.
The best title of the professing church of God today, in my judgment, is "Unbelieving Believers."
There's cancer in the church tonight!
At this grim hour, the world sleeps in the darkness - and the Church sleeps in the light.
You'll never get me to believe that the church today believes in Hell.
We're a million, billion miles away from New Testament Christianity!
I doubt if 5% of professing Christians in America are born again!
Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord, the less entertainment you need.
Is the world crucified to you - or does it fascinate you?
The apostles had no gold, but lots of glory. We have lots of gold, but no glory.
The book of Acts shows us the church before it became fat and short of breath by prosperity!
Who or what takes priority over God in our lives?
Where, oh, where are the eternity-conscious believers?
Where are the souls white-hot for God because they fear His holy name and presence and so live with eternity's values in view?
There's no cost of being a Christian in America!
I'd rather have ten people who want God than 10,000 people who want to play church!
[Leonard Ravenhill]
2 Timothy 4:3 ... For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;