Heaven is the presence of God. It is to be filled with His love,
to partake of His infinite joys, and
to be satisfied with His all-sufficient goodness.
What a glorious state will it be when we shall fully enjoy God,
when we shall be perfectly united in love with all the saints, and
when we shall join together with them in the perpetual praises of our Creator and Redeemer!
There is no toil in Heaven. There is no weariness nor weakness. Their rest is not in idleness, but in sweet and perfect activity always delighting in the service of their King.
Every holy desire shall find its fulfillment in Heaven.
All that the soul desires, shall there be fulfilled.
Every longing for beauty,
every craving for truth,
every thirst for love,
every holy aspiration,
shall be abundantly satisfied in the immediate enjoyment of God!
If one drop of heavenly joy could fall into this world, it would swallow up all earthly pleasures as the ocean swallows a grain of sand. What then must the infinite ocean of delight be, in its full and eternal measure?
In Heaven, the saints shall have no other activity but to worship the Lord. They shall continually behold His glory and forever sing His praises.
Heaven is the place where the unveiled glory of God shall be fully displayed, where His perfections shall shine forth in their fullest splendor, and where every soul shall bask in the light of His countenance forever!
No more shall there be misunderstandings, divisions, or offenses among the saints. Perfect harmony, perfect love, and perfect joy shall reign in that blessed assembly, united forever in the presence of God.
All the pleasures of earth are but a drop, compared to the ocean of joys that await the saints in Heaven. Their joy shall never wane but shall increase as they plunge ever deeper into the infinite treasures of God.
If the sight of Christ in His humiliation could ravish the souls of His disciples, then how much more will the sight of Him in His glory satisfy and delight us! If His love to us on earth was so sweet, then what will His glorious Heavenly love be?
To see the face of Jesus, to behold the scars by which we are saved, to gaze upon the King in His beauty this will be the crowning joy of Heaven, the height of blessedness, the satisfaction of every holy soul.
[Richard Baxter]
Hebrews 4:9 ... There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.